Infinite Campus (nicknamed "Campus" for short) is North County R-I's web-based student information system that provides parents with information via the Campus Portal. Parents can view report cards for students in grades K-5. Grades, assignments, and reports are available for students in grades 6-12.
Parents/guardians who have an active Campus Parent account may access the system using the Parent Portal button on the left. A student must be enrolled in the district in order to set up an account. After an online student registration application is approved, the parent/guardian will get instructions on how to set up his/her account. Visit the Registration page for more information on enrolling students.
All grade 6-12 students have a Campus account. For more information on student and parent accounts, please see the Infinite Campus Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting section below.
What is Infinite Campus?
Infinite Campus is a web-based student information system that is more powerful than a traditional student information system. Information available to parents/guardians via the Portal includes:
Certain demographic information
A family calendar that displays attendance events and assignments due for all students in the household (note: assignments for grade 6-12 students only)
An individual student calendar for each student in the household
A schedule of classes for each student in the household
Assignments and grades for each student (grades 6-12)
Attendance by term/quarter and period for the year
Health immunization record
Reports (in pdf format)
Who has access to the Infinite Campus Portal?
Parents and secondary students (grades 6-12) both may access the Infinite Campus Portal.
NCSD parents and guardians with students actively enrolled in the district must set up an account. An online enrollment application should first be submitted, reviewed by school staff, and approved before parents/guardians may create an account. For more information on this process, please visit our Registration page. Pending the approval of an online enrollment application, parents will receive an email with instructions on how to set up a Campus Parent account.
How do students sign in to the Infinite Campus Portal?
Students will access their account by using the SSO login button on the Campus Student Portal page.
How do parents sign in to the Infinite Campus Portal?
Parents use their created username and password to access their Campus Parent account. If parents have multiple students, they can view all of their children through this one login.
Parents are discouraged from using their student's Infinite Campus account; they must have their own Infinite Campus account. To obtain an Infinite Campus account for parent use, parents/guardians must have an active student in the district.
The first step in the process is to enroll your child through the Online Enrollment Application. Please see the Registration page for more details. Once an enrollment application has been approved and processed, parents will receive an email with instructions on how to set up a Campus Parent account.
How do I submit my Meal Benefits (Free/Reduced Lunch) application?
This task may be done through the Campus Parent Portal.
Click on the More option on the left side of the screen.
Select the Meal Benefits link.
Click on the Meal Benefits Application button.
Please click here for visual instructions on how to access the Meal Benefits application.
Is student information on Infinite Campus kept secure?
Information stored on the system is encrypted and uses a high-level of internet security to safeguard system data, similar to systems used by banks and other institutions that do business online. Campus access requires a username and password. Strong password syntax is enforced.
Infinite Campus FAQs & Troubleshooting
Why can’t I find the school district when prompted after I download the Campus Parent app?
The app will ask you to type in your school district. It gives the hint to type in at least 3 characters. Type the letters Nor in the search field. Our district should appear with a handful of other options.
I am having a good deal of trouble with lunch charges. Who do I need to contact?
Please contact the food service department by calling 573-431-3300. You may also email the food services secretary at or the food services director, Paul Schulze, at
Why didn’t I get the notification asking me to enroll my existing student(s) for the Annual Verification & Update?
If you were not listed as a “guardian” in Infinite Campus, you would not have received the communication. Also, if you were not listed originally by the enrolling parent when your student(s) was (were) first enrolled at NCSD, you would not see the student if/when you logged into the parent portal. Additionally, there were some issues with data transfer from our old system to the new one. Some information did not merge over entirely correctly.
Additionally, the contact information we have on file for you could be incorrect. Completing the Annual Verification & Update process will keep parent/guardian contact information up to date.
Why do I have to re-enroll my existing student?
It’s very important to us that we have as current/updated info on your student as possible. Therefore, since we have the ability within Infinite Campus, we need to have you annually verify household/student info in a similar manner to when you visit a doctor’s office.
Why has my online registration application been placed on Hold?
Various factors play into the reason for this, but the most common ones are the following:
The submitted Proof of Residency does not show the date. We must have proof that there is service to your home/dwelling within the last 30 days.
Some Proofs of Residency submitted were not on our approved list of options linked here. This document is posted on our Registration page on the NCSD website, and the online registration upload directions now include the list of approved documents.
The presented driver’s license/current state ID address does not match the address listed on the Proof of Residency. In that case, we must have another Proof of Residency described in the document linked above. This means you would need a total of two Proof of Residency documents, in addition to the driver’s license/state ID that had the incorrect address.
Why do I keep getting an error message stating "Bad input" at the end of my online registration application?
Users sometimes see this error message when they have not opened the required links in the FERPA tab and Release Agreements tab of the Student section of the online application process. There are two required links to open in each tab (FERPA, Release Agreements). These links are marked with REQUIRED CLICK in front of them. Please go back and click those links, read the info, click the SAVE/CONTINUE button, and return to the submission page to submit.
Sometimes when existing families are completing their Annual Verification & Update process through the Campus Parent Portal app, the application does not recognize 'live photos' taken on an iPhone of various documents that are trying to be uploaded. It is not recommended to complete this process on a smartphone. The preferred way to complete the process is on a desktop computer, laptop, Chromebook, or tablet internet browser.
Please check the name of the file you are trying to upload. Files may NOT have any of the following characters in the name of the file.
| . , [ ] { } ( ) ! ; " * ? < > : / \ Tab, LF, CR
Please check the size of the file you are trying to upload. The file may NOT exceed 10 MB in size.
Please follow up on the saved file type of your document(s). The following file types are NOT acceptable to upload in the application process.
_exe, a6p, ac, acr, action, air, apk, app, applescript, application, awk, bas, bat, bat, bin, cgi, chm, class, cmd, com, cpl, crt, csh, dek, dld, dll, dmg, docm, dotm, drv, ds, ebm, elf, emf, esh, exe, ezs, fky, frs, fxp, gadget, gpe, gpu, hlp, hms, hta, hta, icd, iim, inf, ins, inx, ipa, ipf, isp, isu, jar, java, js, jse, jsp, jsx, kix, ksh, lib, lnk, mam, mcr, mel, mem, mpkg, mpx, mrc, ms, msc, msi, msp, mst, mxe, obs, ocx, pas, pcd, pex, pif, pkg, pl, plsc, pm, potm, ppam, ppsm, pptm, prc, prg, pvd, pwc, pyc, pyo, qpx, rbx, reg, rgs, rox, rpj, scar, scf, scpt, scr, script, sct, seed, sh, shb, shs, sldm, spr, sys, thm, tlb, tms, u3p, udf, url, vb, vbe, vbs, vbscript, vdo, vxd, wcm, widget, wmf, workflow, wpk, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, xap, xlam, xlm, xlsm, xltm, xqt, xsl, zlq
If your problem is not covered here, please email