NCSD Schoolwide Title I Program Plans
NC Primary, NC Parkside, and NC Intermediate all qualify for Schoolwide Title I.A while the Middle School and High School qualify as a Targeted Assistance program. A school operating a schoolwide program must develop and distribute a written parent involvement plan that:
Is developed collaboratively by parents, school personnel and other members of the community;
Remains in effect as long as the school participates in Title I.A;
Is reviewed annually with revisions or improvements made, as needed;
Is developed in coordination and integration with other federal, state and local services, resources and programs;
Is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, which looks at benchmark assessments, progress monitoring as well as performance in relation to the Missouri Learning Standards.
Includes a description of instructional strategies and methods to help improve student achievement, performance and engagement of all students;
Provides training, assistance and resources for parents to help them understand the Title I program and to help them become full partners in improving their child’s progress/achievement.
Encourages a partnership to strengthen the engagement between home and school;
Includes strategies for communication and feedback with parents that are timely and flexible.
Title I Information / Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Schoolwide Title I Program?
Title I is the largest federal aid program for our nation’s schools. It provides financial assistance to statesand school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provideinstructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state’s challenging performancestandards. Funding received through Title I coordinates with and supplements the regular education program.
How are Title I schools selected?
Schools are selected based on the percentage of children in the school who receive free or reduced lunches. Students attending Title I schools do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services.
What will Title I do for my child?
The Title I program will provide your child with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom setting, when needed. Title I schools will identify the students at their school who need the most educational assistance based on the criteria identified and outlined by the school’s reading and/or math intervention program.
Parent Involvement - We need you!
Parents, you can influence the success of your child in school more than any teacher or federal program! You are an important part of our team! Studies have shown that parent involvement boosts students achievement, lowers absenteeism, increases confidence, and even improves behavior. Research shows that how well a child does in school depends a great deal upon how much their parents get involved in their education.
You can become more involved by:
Attending parent-teacher conferences
Attend parent nights that emphasize instruction, curriculum, student progress, etc.
Supporting school events such as Open House, Curriculum Nights, musical performances, awards, field trips, etc.
Joining parent groups/organizations
Volunteering as a reading tutor or mentor
Assisting in an area of the school, such as the library, book fairs, etc.
Helping to review the Title I plan and Parent-Teacher Compact during our annual reviews
Attending School Board meetings
Keeping your child’s teacher informed about events in your child’s life which may affect his/her performance at school
Discussing with your child’s teacher and parent organizations other ideas for parent involvement
Serve as a role model, showing your child that you support his/her education
In accordance with federal legislation, school districts that receive Title I federal funds are required to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications for their child’s teacher including degrees and certifications held and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. If you wish for more information regarding your child’s educators, please contact:
North St. Francois County R-I Assistant Superintendent
300 Berry Road
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
(573) 431-3300