Transcript Request
To request a transcript:
Submit the Transcript Request Form
(Your transcript request will be processed as soon as possible.)
Shot Record
If you also need your shots record, please submit the Shot Record Request Form
(Your shot record request will be processed as soon as possible.)
If you have questions in reference to these record requests, please call 573-431-3300, extension 6 for high school, and then 2 for the Guidance Department, or email Sarah Duckett or Lea Ann Taylor. The Student Services Department fax number is 573-534-0072.
Class Reunions
Planning on a class reunion? Class reunions are organized externally. The Class President, Vice President, etc. usually spearhead the details of a class reunion. However, if you would like to reserve the NCHS Commons Area, Auditorium, or a section of football stadium bleachers at the Homecoming game, please contact our Athletic/Activities Director:
Chris Brewer, Athletic/Activities Director
If you prefer, you may send your reunion information, a contact, or link to your event website and we will post to this page. Email that information to Eric Bryan.
Inclement Weather Information
Please understand that we make our decision to open or close school in bad weather based on a careful analysis of all relevant factors, such as:
Information on road conditions from transportation staff and other pertinent officials: We must give careful consideration to the most dangerous roads in the district. Even if your street looks clear, travel elsewhere in the district may be dangerous. Also, some of our high school students drive to school.
Amount of snow and ice accumulated
Whether precipitation is continuing
Building conditions (such as whether or not we have electricity and heat)
Parking lot conditions: Administrators talk to maintenance and custodial staff members who are responsible for clearing and treating school parking lots and sidewalks.
Temperature and wind chill: Please remember that some of our students walk to school and some must wait outside for the bus.
Weather Predictions: We prefer not making decisions solely based on weather predictions because they are not always accurate. However, it may be necessary on some occasions.
What other school districts are doing: We also share information with other local districts and check whether they are planning to open or close school.
As Superintendent of Schools, I am responsible for the final decision, based on the factors listed above and with the recommendation of the Director of Transportation.
First and foremost, we notify our parents and students using our Blackboard Connect notification system and posting on our district Facebook Page. The Blackboard Connect notification system calls phone numbers that pull from our Student Information System. Please make sure you have current phone numbers on file with the office that your student attends.
Closings are given to a number of Radio and TV stations: Tune to...
The decision is normally made by 6:00 am or earlier so we can notify the local media. Every effort is made to announce a closing as quickly as possible knowing some parents will have already left for work, leaving their students unsupervised. The most difficult decisions to make are those when sleet or freezing rain occur after the buses have left for their morning routes. The district uses two way radios to communicate with our bus drivers. The bus drivers help notify us of deteriorating conditions.
If we close early, please make sure your phone and contact information is correct. Also, make sure the names of contacts (those who can pick up your student) are up to date. We will notify all of the media listed above regarding early dismissal.
Although we do our absolute best in this process, we know that often no perfect decision exists. If you do not feel as though it is safe for your student to attend school because of inclement weather, use your best judgment on whether or not to send them. Also, please discourage teenagers from driving in poor weather conditions and offer them alternatives if the weather changes for the worse.
Hopefully, this explanation helps everyone understand the process that our district uses to make the best possible decision for the safety of all our students and staff.
NCSD Superintendent